$127.00 USD

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Reparenting the Inner Child With EFT: Level 1 & 2

Learn to reparent the Inner Child for yourself and your clients in this comprehensive on demand workshop course.

This is what it will cover:

🗣️ The concept of inner child and inner adult and how to dialogue using EFT.

🧘‍♀️ Meditation to connect with your inner child and your inner master.

🤔 What is re-parenting?

👩‍👦 How the inner child & the inner adult can express.

😁 Dialoguing role play.

🙋‍♀️ Stabilizing the inner adult.

🤢 Rules of the toxic family.

👶 Reparenting in a past event with EFT.

📖 The Children's Story Technique.

🤓 Demos and Q&A.

💬 Interactive lessons where you can comment and ask questions.

😲 Over 16 hours of training.


Participants will come away with a solid basic process for how to lead themselves and clients in this process and how to navigate challenges that may come up.*

Included in this on demand workshop course is a series of 8 LIVE Q&A Call Replays with Niko Ana Jeanne where you get special insight, support and mentoring around common challenges that come up with applying this knowledge and technique in your practice.


🥳 Heartshine EFT Certificate of Completion will be awarded by email once finished.

*This workshop is for students or coaches and practitioners of EFT. You must have a working knowledge in order to apply these techniques effectively.